Constructive Alps: Climate-friendly building projects nominated for architecture award

Bern, 15.02.2022 - This year, Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein are holding the Constructive Alps international architecture competition for the sixth time. From 237 entries, the jury selected 31 outstanding examples of climate-conscious renovation and construction in the Alps.

For the sixth time, Constructive Alps will award prizes to renovations and new buildings in the Alps with particularly strong ecological, economic, social and aesthetic features. Climate-friendly buildings are a core focus of the Swiss presidency of the Alpine Convention 2021 and 2022. Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein want to implement an ambitious climate action plan with the support of the other member states of the Alpine Convention – Germany, France, Italy, Monaco, Austria and Slovenia.

High-quality renovations

The newly composed eight-member competition jury has shortlisted 31 projects from 237 buildings. These include residential buildings, commercial buildings, mountain huts, a chapel, schools and infrastructures, all of which incorporate the requirements for climate-friendly construction particularly well. 15 renovations, three new replacement buildings and 13 new buildings have been shortlisted for the second round. Jury president Köbi Gantenbein expressed his satisfaction: “This year, all Alpine countries are well represented and there are many high-quality renovations in the nominations. For me, this is a sign that climate-conscious Alpine building is making progress.”

Seven projects from Switzerland stood out in particular, including a depot for locomotives and two schools. The jury will visit the nominated buildings and hold discussions with building contractors, architectural firms and users. In addition to the climate compatibility of the buildings, the contribution that they can make to future-oriented living and working in the Alpine region will also be considered in the jury's final decision.

The jury will award the prizes to the winning projects most likely at the next meeting of the ministers responsible for the Alpine Convention, to be held in Brig in September. At the same time, a travelling exhibition on the nominated buildings is to be launched; it will showcase the best ideas on sustainable building and renovation throughout the Alpine region and beyond.

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Federal Office for Spatial Development