2030 Sustainable Development Strategy

In its 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy (2030 SDS), the Federal Council outlines the priorities it intends to set to implement the 2030 Agenda in Switzerland. The 2030 SDS is accompanied by action plans that contain measures for its various challenges.

The 2030 SDS sets out the guidelines for the Federal Council’s sustainability policy by 2030 and establishes sustainable development as an important requirement for all federal policy areas. The strategy is aimed at focusing the Confederation's activities more strongly on sustainable development and defines goals for the period up to 2030 as well as directions for domestic and foreign policy.

The three priority topics of the strategy are

  • Sustainable consumption and sustainable production,
  • Climate, energy and biodiversity,
  • Equal opportunities and social cohesion.

All federal agencies are called upon to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda (Youtube) and the 2030 SDS within the scope of their responsibilities and to integrate the principles and goals into their regular planning, budgeting and policy management processes.The strategy also sets out how civil society, the private sector, the financial markets and the education, research and innovation sectors can act as drivers of sustainable development and describes the framework required for this to happen. Finally, it also defines how the Confederation can contribute by setting an example.

Mid-term report on the implementation of the 2030 SDS

The first mid-term report, which was adopted by the Federal Council on 24 January 2024, provides information on the status of implementation of the 2030 SDS. It is supplemented by a statistical annex based on the MONET 2030 indicator system, which is linked to the objectives of the 2030 SDS, as well as additional statistical information. The report shows in which areas implementation is advancing and where gaps or challenges still exist.

Action Plan

The 2030 SDS is accompanied by an action plan that complements the Confederation's existing instruments with new measures aimed at areas where gaps still exist or where greater coordination between policy areas is required. The 2024-2027 Action Plan adopted by the Federal Council on 24 January 2024 contains 22 measures in the priority areas of the 2030 SDS.


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