European observation network for territorial development and cohesion (ESPON)

ESPON is an EU-funded programme that links research and policy. The programme provides territorial analyses, data and maps to support EU development policies and to help public authorities assess their territory, identify new challenges and potentials and draw up development policies for the future. In addition to the Member States of the European Union, the ESPON programme also includes neighbouring countries such as Switzerland. ESPON aims to establish a permanent European territorial observation system. The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE represents Switzerland and is the national contact point.

ESPON 2030 Logo

ESPON in Switzerland

Participating in ESPON offers many advantages for Switzerland. Swiss research institutes can apply to be partners in various projects. The data and the results obtained are of interest for the spatial development of our country and are directly accessible. ESPON also makes it possible to build an international network, the long-term existence of which is guaranteed and within which valuable contacts can be made. Finally, an active participation ensures that data about Switzerland is included in European studies, allowing large-scale international comparisons based on common territorial indicators.

ESPON Contact Point (ECP)

All States participating in ESPON have established an ESPON Contact Point (ECP) to facilitate cooperation and ensure continuity. The aim of an ECP is to make the programme visible in its country and to ensure that national specificities and requirements are properly taken into account when analyzing and interpreting the results. The Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE is in charge of this function for Switzerland, also representing Switzerland in the ESPON Monitoring Committee which steers the programme.


ESPON Contact Point CH

Marco Kellenberger

Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE

3003 Berne

+41 58 462 40 73

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