
Term Definition

Distance travelled

Total number of vehicle-kilometres (vkm) travelled in one year.

Engine type

Type of engine –­ e.g. petrol, diesel or electric – which drives a vehicle, i.e. a passenger car or road freight vehicle.

External costs

These arise because traffic causes damage to the environment, to health and when accidents occur. They are borne by the general public, by third parties or future generations and are not paid for by the road users who cause them.


Heavy Goods Vehicle Charge: Charge for heavy goods vehicles calculated according to total weight, emissions level and kilometres driven.

Intermediate space

The 2012 Urban/Rural Typology of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office divides spatial types into urban, intermediate and rural.

Modal split

Percentage share of a means of transport or a type of transport in the volume of traffic (e.g. distance or tonnes) or of total distance travelled.

On-demand transport services

Services such as buses that operate on demand.

Passenger vehicle, car

Used synonymously.


Product of the number of persons and the distance travelled by them.

Inward urban development

Spatial development strategy in which settlement development takes place within already settled areas. It aims to increase the density of use and users in order to slow down urban sprawl. At the same time, it aims to increase the quality of settlement, for example through better recreational and open spaces, and to reduce traffic.


Product of the transported tonnage and the distance travelled.

Transport services

Sum of the tonne-kilometres (tkm) covered in one year.

Transport use

Sum of the person-kilometres (pkm) covered in one year.

Vehicle fleet

The totality of all vehicles in an organisation, such as a company or state.


Product of the number of vehicles and the distance travelled by each vehicle.