
Transport Oulook 2050 was developed by the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) in cooperation with the Federal Offices for Roads (FEDRO), Transport (FOT), Energy (SFOE) and the Environment (FOEN). These projections are based on the transport and land use models run by ARE for the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC).

Project management Transport Outlook 2050

Andreas Justen, Raphaël Lamotte, Nicole Mathys, Antonin Danalet, ARE
Christian Schiller, consultant ARE

External contractors Transport Outlook 2050

Jörg Jermann, Florian Harder, Christopher Heath, Stefan Angliker, Michael Hoser, Rapp Trans, Basel
Jörg Uhlig, Jens Landmann, Birgit Dugge, Christian Weiß, PTV Transport Consult, Dresden
Alex Auf der Maur, Hans-Paul Kienzler, Andreas Brutsche, Prognos, Basel
Balz Bodenmann, Pascal Bürki, Susanne Täschler, Strittmatter Partner, St. Gallen
Martin Eichler, BAK, Basel

Production of the website

Martin Urben, Ursula Wälti, Rudolf Menzi, Lukas Kistler, ARE

Design of the website

Christine Zimmermann, Hahn+Zimmermann GmbH, Berne

Programming of the interactive graphics of the website

Manuel Zehnder, Nothing AG, Wabern

Texts of the website

Cornelia Eisenach