2030 Agenda Steering Committee

The Federal Council attaches great importance to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Its resolution of 14 December 2018 advances the Agenda's implementation with a new organisational structure within the federal government. The creation of an interdepartmental '2030 Agenda Steering Committee', and the appointment of two delegates are core elements of this. The new structure will fully anchor the 2030 Agenda within the federal administration, and the Agenda will continue to be implemented as part of the sectoral policies of the individual federal agencies and departments.

The 2030 Agenda Steering Committee brings together senior management-level representatives of the most relevant government offices. Its primary objective is to manage and coordinate efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda. The Steering Committee replaces the current Interdepartmental Sustainable Development Committee (ISDC).


The remit of the 2030 Agenda Steering Committee includes the following:

  • monitoring the SDGs in Switzerland,
  • drawing up the voluntary national review for submission to the UN,
  • prioritising the principal challenges and opportunities for Switzerland,
  • determining national targets,
  • defining new measures,
  • cooperating with the cantons, communes and non-governmental stakeholders.


The 2030 Agenda Steering Committee will be chaired by the Federal Council's two 2030 Agenda delegates. The Federal Council appointed Daniel Dubas, from the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC, and Markus Reubi from the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA, to serve in this capacity.
