Sustainability indicators

If we aim to systematically pursue sustainable development, it is imperative to take regular snapshots of how far we are towards reaching our goal, the progress we have made, and where a need for action still exists. This requires an appropriate set of metrics.

For this reason, the Federal Council requires the periodic production of sustainability indicators for the purpose of checking and implementing the constitutional sustainable development mandate.

Indicator systems should:

  • Initiate debate between stakeholders in society about the goals of sustainable development;
  • Measure the current status of sustainability, indicate trends over time and identify areas for action;
  • Inform the public and political decision-makers about the status of sustainable development and thus enable potential problem areas to be identified at an early stage;
  • Enable comparisons (benchmarking) and, as a result of the ensuing competition, motivate people to step up their efforts to achieve the goals.

The MONET indicator system

The MONET 2030 indicator system gives an overview of sustainable development in Switzerland, providing a picture of the progress made towards the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda as well in relation to certain topics specific to Switzerland. Comprising over 100 indicators relating to the three environmental, social and economic dimensions, the system is structured around the 17 SDGs.

Cercle Indicateurs 2021

Cercle Indicateurs

The Cercle Indicateurs is used to measure and compare sustainable development in cantons and cities. The indicator system comprises around 30 indicators in the domains of environment, economy and society. As a national network consisting of the Federal Office for Spatial Development (ARE) and the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) as well as cantons and cities, the Cercle Indicateurs contributes to strengthening and further developing the measurement of sustainable development at the subnational level.