Additional analyses

The data from the Mobility and Transport Microcensus provides opportunities for additional in-depth analyses in the area of spatial and transport planning.

In addition to producing the final reports of the surveys, the Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE performs further analyses of the Mobility and Transport Microcensus (MTMC) data in cooperation with other federal offices or with consultants.

Regional differences

The nature of our mobility varies depending on where we live, and the areas through which we travel. The Mobility and Transport Microcensus permits an analysis of mobility in the agglomerations and in Switzerland's more rural areas. Analyses were also conducted on the basis of population density where people live.

In 2015, 73% of the Swiss population lived in one of the country's agglomerations. Between 2010 and 2015, the combined modal share of public and non-motorised transport in the agglomerations rose from 35% to 36%. However, private motorised transport remains agglomeration residents’ primary means of getting around.

Among peri-urban communes, the modal share accounted for by non-motorised transport declines significantly if population density is low. Those living in peri-urban areas cover the longest daily distances of any of the categories of urban or rural area, and thus travel further even than the population of peripheral rural areas. The high distances travelled are not explained by long commutes alone, but also by longer average distances when going shopping, pursuing leisure activities, or acting as driver for someone else.

If the quality of the public transport service is the same, German-speaking regions systematically stand out with much higher modal shares of public transport than in French-speaking or in Italian-speaking part of Switzerland.

For some reports, additional data are available via the index tab «Data», see below. 



Dichte und Mobilitätsverhalten (PDF, 2 MB, 21.08.2018)This report is a mobility behaviour analysis according to various density indicators around places of residence based on the Mobility and Transport Microcensus from 2015 and 2010 (in German, also exist in French).

Mobilität in den ländlichen Räumen: Schlussbericht (PDF, 6 MB, 01.03.2018)This report studies the daily mobility of the Swiss residential population in different types of rural areas based particularly on the Mobility and Transport Microcensus from various years (in German, Abstract in French an in Italian).

Modalsplit in den Agglomerationen, Ergebnisse 2015 (PDF, 1 MB, 29.05.2018)This report examines the modal share in Switzerland’s agglomerations according to the two principles of «place of residents” and “territoriality” (in German).

Mobilität in den ländlichen Räumen 2010 (PDF, 7 MB, 01.09.2016)Untersucht wird die Mobilität der schweizerischen Wohnbevölkerung in den verschiedenen Arten von ländlichen Räumen. Dieser Bericht stützt sich auf die Daten des Mikrozensus Mobilität und Verkehr bis 2010.

Faktenblatt Agglomerationsverkehr 2010 (PDF, 529 kB, 06.11.2014)Dieses Merkblatt erläutert den Modalsplit in den Agglomerationen anhand der Daten des Mikrozensus Mobilität und Verkehr bis 2010.

Auswirkungen von verkehrsintensiven Einrichtungen auf das Verkehrsverhalten (PDF, 401 kB, 09.04.2009)Dieser Bericht analysiert verkehrsintensive Einrichtungen. Als Grundlage dienen die Daten des Mikrozensus Mobilität und Verkehr 2005.

Faktenblatt Zweitwohnungen (PDF, 611 kB, 07.04.2009)Gegenstand dieses Berichts sind die Zweitwohnungen. 8,5 % der Schweizer Haushalte besitzen in Eigentum oder in Miete eine Zweitwohnung.

Mobility for leisure

Leisure is the main reason for travelling for the Swiss resident population. Unlike other reasons for travelling (work, education, shopping, etc.), distances and travel time for leisure in Switzerland have slightly decreased during the last years. However, distances travelled abroad for leisure are clearly following an opposite trend.

Cars are predominant in leisure traffic for almost all activities. Although the number of trips became more frequent, what is more important is the fact that these trips cover farther distances. This strong growth is based on the increasing importance of air traffic.  


Population groups

Mobility patterns vary depending on the population group concerned, be they seniors or commuters.

The principal report on the 2015 Mobility and Transport Microcensus (MTMC) provides information on mobility patterns according to age group, professional circumstances, income, and even body mass index. The documents listed below analyse the data gathered in the 1994–2015 microcensuses, focusing on children, teenagers, the older population, commuters, those with reduced mobility, and single-parent families.


Verkehrsverhalten spezifischer Gesellschaftsgruppen: Entwicklung seit 1994 bis 2010 (PDF, 9 MB, 09.12.2013)Abschlussbericht zur Vertiefungsanalyse des Verkehrsverhaltens spezifischer Gesellschaftsgruppen

Methodological foundations

The Mobility and Transport Microcensus (MTMC) is continuously evolving to ensure that data quality remains as high as possible. Regular studies are conducted to review new questions and new forms of questionnaire.

In 1994, computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) replaced the written survey which had previously been conducted. The idea of journey stages was introduced that same year. Since 2005, departure and arrival locations have been geocoded during the interview, while additional route recording began in 2010. Since 2015, the importance of means of transport, as well as reasons for travelling within the agglomerations, were analysed not just by place of residence, but also in accordance with the territoriality principle.

In the 2021 survey, new questions on sharing were added, the question module on transport policy attitudes was completely revised and geo-routing was now also used for the bicycle trip legs.

Each new MTMC incorporates new approaches to gain a better understanding of the mobility behaviours of the resident population. The reports on the studies conducted in this field are published on this page.


Neugestaltung des Moduls zu den verkehrspolitischen Einstellungen des Mikrozensus Mobilität und Verkehr (PDF, 8 MB, 01.11.2017)Dieser Bericht schlägt vor, das Modul zu den verkehrspolitischen Einstellungen im Mikrozensus Mobilität und Verkehr durch eine Stated-Preference-Befragung zu ersetzen.

Bestimmung von Fahrleistungen nach dem Inländer- und dem Territorialprinzip (PDF, 948 kB, 09.12.2013)Artikel über das Wohnorts- und Territorialprinzip, publiziert in «Strasse und Verkehr» Nr.9, September 2013.

For researchers

The data from the Mobility and Transport Microcensus (MTMC) is available to researchers. This data can be used as a basis for countless further analyses.

Full 2015 MTMC data is available to order by universities, federal offices, and cantonal and regional authorities, as well as by private consultancies (cf. ‘Contact’). It provides a basis for further, more in-depth analysis. The document given below offers a detailed list of research topics.

To complement the MTMC, the ARE has conducted a stated preference survey. The data collected in this survey facilitate a better understanding of choices of means of transport, and route. As is the case with the MTMC, the data from this stated preference survey is available for further analysis.


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